Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Bath Township
Page 816

J. HERMAN HEYE., farmer, Sec 10; P. O. Bath; was born in Hanover, Germany, Sept. 15, 1836. His father, John H. Heye, died in 1837. In 1844, Mrs. Heye came to America with her only child (J. H.). They first stopped near Havana, Mason Co.; and, in the spring of 1845, located in Bath Township, which has since been their home. His mother, Mary (Hiuslaga) Heye, who now resides with her son, was born in Hanover, Germany, Sept 16. 1800. The subject of this sketch was married. June 15, 1865, to Miss Anna C. Devermann, who was born in Hanover, Germany, May 8, 1843. She came, with her father's family, to America in the fall of 1849, and to Mason Co. the following spring. (Further mention of her father's family will be found in the sketches of her brothers, Jno. G. D. and Jno. H. H. Devermann.) They have four children living:  Henry, born Oct. 15. 18611; William, born Aug. 31, 1871; Carl, born Dec 14, 1873, and Margaret, born Feb. 6, 1876. Mary (deceased) was born Aug. 27, 1S67, and died Oct.6, 1869. Mr. Heye has served as School Director several years, and School Trustee two terms. He owns 360 acres of farm land and ninety-one acres of timber in Bath Township, Mason Co.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer